Victorian cut glass is perhaps the most underpriced area of the antique glass market. 维多利亚时代的雕花玻璃器皿或许是古玩玻璃器皿市场上价值被低估得最严重的一个品种。
Today, my mom told me she can't wait for me to turn eighteen so she can turn my room into a place for her to display all her antique glass dolls. 今天我妈说,你怎么还不长到18搬出去住啊,我想拿你这屋子来摆古董玻璃娃娃。
It is possible to use opalescent glass for the frame and transparent antique glass for the subject as well as the background. 乳白色玻璃可以用来做龙的躯干,同时可以用透明的旧玻璃做主体和背景。
"antique" cast glass ( i.e., containing air bubbles or other deliberate defects), non-wired in sheets 老式大片压铸玻璃(即含有气泡或其他有意的缺陷),无金属线,未加工
It was very ornate and antique looking with a wood dial and glass opening in it. 新样式的占卜板大多是塑料盘面,上面的刻度环一般是透明的。